Malaysia in Bloom (MiB) merupakan satu gagasan baru bagi menjadikan Malaysia Negara Taman Terindah. Selain itu, MiB juga merupakan aktiviti dan program yang berasaskan kesukarelawan (volunteer base organization) yang bertujuan untuk bersama membantu pihak kerajaan dalam memelihara, menjaga keindahan dan kebersihan landskap dan taman di kawasan kejiranan.
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The selected MiBs will be allocated by the National Landscape Department (JLN) in the form of warrants to the Local Authorities (Local Authorities) through the Secretary of State (SUK State) or the State Land Department. The maximum amount of the warrant is RM20,000 according to the requirements and applications from MiB through the MiB Website. The local authority is responsible for approving the application and will be approved by the JLN.
These provisions need to be fully spent in the current year and all Federal Government financial regulations including Treasury Instructions / Circulars, Treasury Circulars and other Central Agencies will be fully complied with.
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